
...DCL時間(DOMContentLoaded)。檢測結果會顯示你的網頁載入時間的排名(分類成前中後三等份)。以上更新只適用於流量較大的網站,才能分析 ...,PageSpeedInsightswillusedatafromtheChromeUserExperienceReporttomakebetterrecommendationsfordevelopersandtheoptimizationscorehasbeentuned.,DOMContentLoaded(DCL)measureswhenHTMLdocumenthasbeenloadedandparsed.Fastertimeshavebeenshowntocorrelatewithlowerbounce .....

Google PageSpeed Insights 2019年大改版-網站速度優化攻略!

... DCL時間(DOM Content Loaded )。 檢測結果會顯示你的網頁載入時間的排名(分類成前中後三等份)。 以上更新只適用於流量較大的網站,才能分析 ...

Real-world data in PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights will use data from the Chrome User Experience Report to make better recommendations for developers and the optimization score has been tuned.

Frequently Asked Questions

DOM Content Loaded (DCL) measures when HTML document has been loaded and parsed. Faster times have been shown to correlate with lower bounce ...

Real-world data in PageSpeed Insights

The Page Load Distributions section presents how this page's FCP and DCL events are distributed in the data set. These events are categorized as ...

PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights Docs Enter a valid URL Analyze Make your web pages fast on all devices Check out What's new Documentation Learn about Web Performance Optimize Cumulative Layout Shift · Optimize Largest Contentful... · Web Vitals

PageSpeed Insights是什麼?網站速度如何影響SEO排名?

PageSpeed Insights是Google官方團隊於2010年開發的SEO網站檢查工具,透過上面Google PageSpeed Score和報告,可以快速幫助網站管理員、營銷人員、工程師了解網站速度,以及 ...

DCL 和FCP 如何影響SEO?| Web 效能指標

DCL 和FCP 是Google 評估效能時強調的兩個指標,而Google PageSpeed Insights 可以幫助開發人員對其進行評估。(儘管Google 並未具體說明這兩個效能指標對於搜尋排名的 ...

Why does Page Speed Insights use FCP and DCL and How to ...

DOM Content Loaded (DCL): DCL measures the time when the HTML document has been completely loaded and read. This exactly doesn't mean that the ...

Google 官方網頁速度測試升級

FCP、DCL全新網頁速度指標. 這次主要與大家分享的是PageSpeed Insights改版,將「速度」與「最佳化」分開,並出現了兩個 ...

Why does Page Speed Insights use FCP and DCL?

Google shows two metrics, First Contentful Paint (FCP) and DOM Content Loaded (DCL). Google will rate your page Fast, Average, or Slow based on both metrics.